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  • Writer's pictureColleen Howell

Zesty Cashew Dressing

I am sharing with you today one of my all time favorite dressings to put on just about everything. It has proven to be the most complimentative addition to raw veggies, salads, potatoes, proteins and honestly just by itself (low key spoonfuls are very real).

It's not only incredibly delicious, with the perfect balance of tart, spicy, creamy and rich, but also packs incredible health benefits. I mean check out the powerhouse of ingredients it's made from below!

Enough talk already. Let's get down to it, so you can enjoy this on top of everything and anything like I do more often than not.

Zesty Cashew Dressing

Time: 10 min (5 min prep, 5 min blend)

Servings: varies on use


  • 3/4 cup cashews, soaked

  • Juice of 2 lemons

  • 2 T apple cider vinegar

  • 6-8 garlic cloves

  • 2 T fresh ginger

  • 1 t turmeric (or more depending on intensity preference)

  • 1/2 t black pepper

  • 1/2 cup water, or as needed to achieve desired consistency


  1. Combine all ingredients in high speed blender.

  2. Blend until desired consistency is achieved.

  3. Enjoy!

*I recommend storing this dressing in an air-tight container in the fridge. Best used within 7 days of making!


- GC

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